Substance Use and DWI

El Futuro’s Sin Ataduras (“Breaking Free”) program provides bilingual and culturally-responsive substance use prevention, education, and treatment to high-risk Latino youth and adults. Our licensed substance abuse counselors work with nonprofit, school, faith, and community partners to ensure that the program is available to people who need it.

The methods and techniques that the Sin Ataduras team employs are based on more than sixteen years of experience providing these services to the Latino community in North Carolina, as well as the latest research and evidence-based practices. We know that substance use does not occur in a bubble; to effectively prevent and treat substance use we must consider the individual, family, and larger social contexts.  For example, we provide education and support to parents of at-risk teens so that they know how to recognize early signs of substance misuse and know where to look for help so they can act promptly to support their children.

“The classes helped me understand that alcohol use is not good for my health. My overall experience was very good. I am very grateful to El Futuro for helping me…understand the negatives of alcohol use.”

Sin Ataduras participant

DWI Settlement Program

Prevention workshops for parents of adolescents and Teen Simulation Events

Substance Abuse Treatment Program

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