El Futuro is an organization full of hope.

However, In a time of unprecedented worldwide violence and fear, many of my coworkers here at El Futuro often feel overwhelmed.

This is because much of our work takes place in the long view, and so when we see today’s news about war, violent drug cartels, divisive political rhetoric, dangerous border policies, and so much more, we already feel the weight of tomorrow and the toll this will have on the communities we serve.

Despite it all, we are still here, still listening, and still hopeful! In fact, this 2024, El Futuro will celebrate 20 years of walking alongside our neighbors to nurture stronger familias.

We work with patients to help them rewire the past. Since so many of our patients have agrarian roots, I sometimes think of our work as walking patiently alongside each person as they re-till the fertile fields of their interior life until they feel strong enough to do it on their own.

One of the things that gives me the most hope from these past 20 years is seeing so many familias receive the nurturing from El Futuro, growing in important ways, and then helping others to do the same.

Luis* was a lonely teenager with suicidal thoughts who struggled with his moods. His El Futuro therapist helped him safely navigate the challenging years of high school. And as Luis built more fortitude, he began to include his mother and sister in his sessions so that everyone could benefit from support – support not just for him but for the whole family.

Marcela* was an exhausted mother of a 9-year-old son with undiagnosed ADHD. At El Futuro, her son finally got a clear diagnosis and plan. Through our ADHD support group, Marcela learned behavior modification strategies to help her son. Now Marcela is an El Futuro-trained “Madre Mentora” who is supporting other parents with the same tools that changed her and her son’s life.

Sergio’s* father had been crippled by a lifetime of alcohol problems until he finally found the healing support he needed at El Futuro. Sergio has been so grateful for his father’s new lease on life that he has become a passionate investor in El Futuro’s community programs. In addition to financial support, Sergio donated a go-kart for El Futuro’s drunk driving prevention simulations, and this December, he is hosting a community holiday party with food and gifts for sixty of our patient familias.

As you can see, there are now so many of us walking the fields together to help one another on our paths to healing.

I am writing to you today to thank you for your help! If you are receiving this letter, it is because you have walked alongside us at some point and helped.

And here, at the end of the year, I want to invite you to help some more.

Like Luis. Like Marcela. Like Sergio.

Please consider supporting El Futuro’s work with your generous gift before December 31. There are so many individuals who are seeking our help, and we are committed to being there for each and every one of them.

By contributing to El Futuro, you help us to create community-owned, innovative, and effective responses that address our community’s needs today. Things like our therapeutic garden, summer camps for kids, drunk driving simulations for teenagers, group programs for people who have experienced domestic violence, and so much more.

Thank you for helping El Futuro not only to do the long-view work but also to be a long-view organization!

With thanks and all the brightest holiday wishes,

Luke Smith, MD
Executive Director and Psychiatrist

* Identifying details were changed to protect privacy.