
Welcome to the El Futuro calendar. Here you will find all the events, groups and classes that are open to the general public. We hope it will be helpful to you and your family. We want to see you soon!

Young Adults Social Group “Los Compas”

If you are between 18 and 26 years old, we invite you to be part of “Los Compas,” a social group for young adults that aims to empower this generation with mental and emotional health strategies through building friendships, sharing experiences, and celebrating Latino culture in a more fun way. Come and connect with us! Register here


Lazos Fuertes

We offer monthly webinars for parents of teens and preteens. Topics include building connections, establishing routines, safe and healthy technology use, and supporting children with depression. Please click here for more information. Scan the QR code if you want to register for the next class.

El Faro Class – open to the public

El Futuro offers classes for any Spanish-speaking parent who has a child with ADHD. This is an 8-week class that is held throughout the year. Participants receive a workbook in the mail and a certificate of completion for attending the classes. **Starting in 2025, the full course will cost $130 and includes all materials.**

Register Here

We have a number of free classes and seminars for parents and support groups. for clients Also see our different online resources. Below you can see more events and relevant dates throughout the year.