We provide comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope.
We keep nurturing stronger familias to live out their dreams
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Buzzworthy: A glimpse into the stories of El Futuro this year
2024 marks two decades for El Futuro “Speaking in Spanish is not just about being able to translate the words and being able to process them, right, it’s about the culture that comes with it,” Rassi...
A Letter from our Executive Director at Year’s End
Dear Friend, If you’ve ever been in my office, you know that I have sticky notes of new Spanish (and some English!) words that I learn from my colleagues and clients. For instance, did you know that...
Empowering Recovery: Peer Support Program
El Futuro Continues to Expand Care Approaches to Improve Access to Care for All El Futuro is thrilled to add peer support services to our existing array of care. For many, taking the step to receive...
El Futuro provides direct services to clients, as well as training to help others provide more effective services.
Outpatient mental health services
Training and technical assistance
Community and rural support
Research and evaluation
La Mesita Latino Mental Health Provider Network
In our years of experience providing mental health and substance use services to Latino immigrant families, one thing has become clear to us — we need others in order to keep it up! We need community!
That’s why we’re building a network to connect people providing services to the Latino community. We call the network “La Mesita” to keep in focus that the network is like coming around a table to talk, share, and learn together.
Interested in joining? Read more here!