We provide comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope.
We keep nurturing stronger familias to live out their dreams
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Professional Development
Stronger Relationships to Benefit DWI Clients
This Thursday, October 20, we had the opportunity to meet with a group of eight lawyers where we told them how we serve the Latino community, and establish relationships of trust that will benefit...
Hispanic Heritage Kermes this Sunday
Únase a esta fiesta para celebrar la cultura latina en Durham este 25 de septiembre en nuestro espacio verde. Habrá comida típica, juegos, música y mucha diversión... JUNTOS como comunidad....
Señales tempranas de la depresión
Depresión en adolescentes: señales para tomar en cuenta Durham.- Muchas veces los padres de familia pasan por alto los estados de tristeza o falta de interés de sus hijos adolescentes asumiendo que...
El Futuro provides direct services to clients, as well as training to help others provide more effective services.
Outpatient mental health services
Training and technical assistance
Community and rural support
Research and evaluation
La Mesita Latino Mental Health Provider Network
In our years of experience providing mental health and substance use services to Latino immigrant families, one thing has become clear to us — we need others in order to keep it up! We need community!
That’s why we’re building a network to connect people providing services to the Latino community. We call the network “La Mesita” to keep in focus that the network is like coming around a table to talk, share, and learn together.
Interested in joining? Read more here!