We provide comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope.
We keep nurturing stronger familias to live out their dreams
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Professional Development
Using technology during the pandemic
Our partners and friends at United Way of the Greater Triangle highlighted our Telehealth services - virtual therapy as an action taken during the pandemic to continue serving individuals and...
Honored by the visit of the Minister of the Exterior of Mexico
We recently had a very special visit from the Consulate General of Mexico in Raleigh, the Head of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, Engineer Luis Gutierrez, and his work team Claudia Velasco, Monica...
Unidos Against COVID
Unidos Against COVID Launched in North Carolina at Critical Time to Guide an Immediate and Equitable Pandemic Response and Recovery Super excited to be partnering with the Smithsonian...
El Futuro provides direct services to clients, as well as training to help others provide more effective services.
Outpatient mental health services
Training and technical assistance
Community and rural support
Research and evaluation
La Mesita Latino Mental Health Provider Network
In our years of experience providing mental health and substance use services to Latino immigrant families, one thing has become clear to us — we need others in order to keep it up! We need community!
That’s why we’re building a network to connect people providing services to the Latino community. We call the network “La Mesita” to keep in focus that the network is like coming around a table to talk, share, and learn together.
Interested in joining? Read more here!