We provide comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope.

We keep nurturing stronger familias to live out their dreams

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Loss of control with alcohol consumption

Loss of control with alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol use is responsible for about 95,000 deaths a year in the United States. Deaths from binge drinking account for 1 in 10 total deaths among working-age adults ages 20-64. We think...

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8 signs of alcohol addiction

8 signs of alcohol addiction

Alcoholic beverages, despite generating a great addiction, have a great social acceptance, which makes the presence of alcohol very normal for our society and makes it difficult to detect if the...

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El Futuro provides direct services to clients, as well as training to help others provide more effective services.

Outpatient mental health services

We provide treatments that foster emotional health and wellbeing for the entire family. Clients can engage in individual or group therapy and access psychiatric and case management services.

Training and technical assistance

Our Latino Mental Health Provider Network (La Mesita) connects providers around North Carolina who serve the Latino community, helping decrease professional burnout and improve the quality of care for Latino families through the broader use of evidence-based practices.

Community and rural support

Because we believe accessibility is important, we provide school-based and telehealth services. Since we’re the leading bilingual clinic offering comprehensive treatment in NC, families from over 20 counties come for our services.

Research and evaluation

We actively engage in patient-centered research when it furthers our mission and helps the people we serve. We’re actively expanding our applied research, program evaluation, and dissemination activities. Our long-term goal is to develop into a national model and resource center for Latino mental health and substance use treatment services.

La Mesita Latino Mental Health Provider Network

In our years of experience providing mental health and substance use services to Latino immigrant families, one thing has become clear to us — we need others in order to keep it up! We need community!

That’s why we’re building a network to connect people providing services to the Latino community. We call the network “La Mesita” to keep in focus that the network is like coming around a table to talk, share, and learn together.

Interested in joining? Read more here!

If you are a journalist and want to request an interview, please email us at communications@elfuturo-nc.org. Also, We want to invite you to join our monthly newsletter where you will find updated information about how we serve the Latino community. Welcome!