We provide comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope.
We keep nurturing stronger familias to live out their dreams
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When to seek mental health help
Mental health stigma refers to the unfavorable attitudes and beliefs around mental health, often formed by a lack of knowledge that may make people reluctant to get treatment. Studies show...
Tips for Settling Into Your New Community
New to the United States? Here Are Some Tips for Settling Into Your New CommunityIt shouldn't come as a surprise that moving to a new country can be a stressful and challenging endeavor. You're...
3rd Annual Art Auction seeks to raise funds for Latinx mental health
El Futuro's Annual Fall Fundraiser and Art Auction “Expresiones”, is scheduled for September 30th from 6:30-11 p.m. at The Rickhouse in downtown Durham. This annual event unites local Latino...
El Futuro provides direct services to clients, as well as training to help others provide more effective services.
Outpatient mental health services
Training and technical assistance
Community and rural support
Research and evaluation
La Mesita Latino Mental Health Provider Network
In our years of experience providing mental health and substance use services to Latino immigrant families, one thing has become clear to us — we need others in order to keep it up! We need community!
That’s why we’re building a network to connect people providing services to the Latino community. We call the network “La Mesita” to keep in focus that the network is like coming around a table to talk, share, and learn together.
Interested in joining? Read more here!