La Mesita Latine Mental
Health Professional Network
What is La Mesita?
Check out a video overview of our La Mesita programming!
In El Futuro’s years of experience providing community-based mental health services to Latine families in Central North Carolina, a few things have become clear to us: The needs of the Latine community are not unique to the Triangle, and there is a wider community of providers across NC and beyond who need support in doing this difficult and important work.
That’s why we’ve built a network to connect folks providing community-based services to Latine clients across North Carolina, and beyond. We named the network “La Mesita”, with the idea that we want everyone to pull up a chair around our little table to talk, share and learn together.
Along with connecting providers across NC, we are invested in building our communities’ capacities to provide the latest proven and research-driven services to the Latine community. We work towards that goal by providing low-cost and often free continuing education and professional development programming to help providers throughout North Carolina and beyond to best serve our Latine community.
Please join us around our little table!
Click on the images below
to read more about La Mesita’s training and education programs!
Who is in our network?
Our growing network of more than 1600 professionals serving the Latine community across North Carolina and beyond has representation from medical and behavioral health providers, social workers, students, lawyers, teachers and professors, project managers and more. Through our training programs and outreach, we hope to continue growing our reach!

Upcoming La Mesita Programming:
Why ‘Latine?’
‘Latine’ is a term that acknowledges the gender binary inherent in the Spanish language and attempts to be inclusive of the entirety of the gender spectrum. As a result of our targeted audience for our teaching and learning services, El Futuro has decided to use the term ‘Latine’ in La Mesita programming. However, we continue to use the terms ‘Latino/Latina/Latinx’ in our clinical work. We hold no expectation of other organizations or individuals to make similar linguistic decisions.
La Mesita programming aims to improve the mental health of Latine families across North Carolina. At El Futuro, 70% of our clients qualify as victims of crime according to the Governor’s Crime Commission definition. Because we expect other providers may see similar numbers in the Latine community throughout the state, we seek to build capacity to serve victims of crime, as well as all Latine families, through our diverse training offerings.
Grievance Policy
We have carefully modeled the environment around our learning activities to be one characterized by mutual collegiality, kindness, and a commitment to constant learning. This environment allows for providers of all disciplines, regardless of their level of experience, to feel comfortable in taking part in and benefiting from our programming. It is our hope that all La Mesita members will join us in preserving this environment we have cultivated over the years through your participation across our programming.
You can request our full grievance policy or submit a concern by reaching out to us at