Stronger Relationships to Benefit DWI Clients

Stronger Relationships to Benefit DWI Clients

This Thursday, October 20, we had the opportunity to meet with a group of eight lawyers where we told them how we serve the Latino community, and establish relationships of trust that will benefit our clients, especially those who must solve DWI cases. For this day we...
Hispanic Heritage Kermes this Sunday

Hispanic Heritage Kermes this Sunday

Únase a esta fiesta para celebrar la cultura latina en Durham este 25 de septiembre en nuestro espacio verde. Habrá comida típica, juegos, música y mucha diversión… JUNTOS como comunidad. ¡Queremos verte allí! 4-7pm. 2020 Chapel Hill St. Lakewood Plaza. Join...
Señales tempranas de la depresión

Señales tempranas de la depresión

Depresión en adolescentes: señales para tomar en cuenta Durham.- Muchas veces los padres de familia pasan por alto los estados de tristeza o falta de interés de sus hijos adolescentes asumiendo que “es parte de la edad” y lo “solucionan” con regalos. Pero la raíz del...
5 ways to raise mental health awareness

5 ways to raise mental health awareness

We believe it is important to continue raising awareness about mental health among youth, adults, and families in our community. We have a mission for you: join us and take actions that really make a difference in the society that surrounds each one of us. We...
We celebrated National Night Out

We celebrated National Night Out

Yesterday, August 2nd – 2022 we came together to celebrate National Night Out along with Tuscaloosa-Lakewood Neighborhood Association, elected officials, police, firefighters and our beloved Latino community. We had tamales, games for the kids and more! Special...
Kids learned while having fun at the Jr Gardering Camp

Kids learned while having fun at the Jr Gardering Camp

Last June 27 to July 1st we had the Jr. Gardening Camp where 15 kids attended every day. We also had 3 volunteers helping run the camp. It was a lot of fun but also kids learned to take care of the planet through different activities. Here are the lessons they...